Min?? kolejny rok, zespó? Amaroka chce ?wi?towa? razem ze swoimi fanami: znów mamy Roktober! Jest to czas, kiedy oceniamy, co osi?gn?li?my podczas minionego roku i prosimy o wasz? dalsz? pomoc na rok nadchodz?cy. Wasze "darowizny" czasu i pieni?dzy, sprawiaj? ?e mo?liwym staje si?, stworzenie fantastycznego odtwarzacza muzyki, który tak bardzo kochacie. Naszym celem na ten Roktober, jest zebranie 10 000€. Nasz bud?et jest bardzo zwi?z?y, ale wraz ze wzrostem kosztów i bardziej kompleksowymi planami, musimy podwy?szy? poprzeczk?. Jak w przesz?o?ci, za ka?de przekazane 10€ dostaniecie jeden los w konkursie, do wygrania jest iaudio7. W tym roku, mamy dla was dwie nagrody g?ówne, oraz koszulki dla czterech osób, jako "nagrody pocieszenia".
Jak zwykle mo?ecie dotowa? przez
Paypal na
donations@getamarok.com. Pracujemy nad udost?pnieniem wam, drogi dla bezpo?rednich przelewów bankowych i mamy nadziej?, ?e dostaniemy informacje na ten temat, na pocz?tku przysz?ego tygodnia. Je?li wolisz wys?a? czek, wy?lij email na
greg@getamarok.com, aby otrzyma? instrukcje i adres korespondencyjny.
During the last year we had several maintenance releases of Amarok 1.4.x "Fast Forward", but the really interesting stuff happened on the bleeding edge development front. Amarok 2 made it to beta and a final release is getting closer. There is a lot of exciting stuff to discover in the new Amarok: biased and fuzzy playlists, integration of internet services like magnatune, Jamendo or LibriVox, the new playlist, a reworked context view and a lot more. Thanks to Google,
several of
these improvements were made as part of Google's Summer of Code program, which brought several highly motivated students to our team. At this point many distributions already provide regular packaged snapshots so if you can, check us out when Beta2 is released next week.
We were also more active than ever in promoting Amarok. For the first time in Amarok history we had a (well visited) booth at the world's largest IT expo, CeBIT in Hannover, Germany. We were also at LinuxTag in Berlin and
several others. All in all, we participated at not less than ten events, giving talks and presenting Amarok at
booths wherever possible. Oh, and we have been chosen as music management application on the EeePC which led to a
trip to Taiwan for two Amarok developers.
So, as you can see we were very busy and worked hard to help people around the world to rediscover their music. We spent every cent from last year's fund drive to work in our free time on Amarok. Thank you for your great support to make that possible!
P.S. For the interested, we are in the process of summarizing our expenses for the twelve months ended September 30, 2008 and will provide additional info on how last year's funds were spent within a few days.