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Le blog de sebr

Squash 0.3

I’ve made a few improvements to Squash (formerly known as squeeze). Hopefully it has become a more reliable batch image resizer now.

The major updates for this upgrade include better threaded support, bug fixes, an Ubuntu gutsy package and a Windows binary. The Windows package has been compiled with a static build Qt 4.3, and should just run on any windows platform.

Enjoy, and please report bugs to the bug tracker.

HDR Imaging - Qtpfsgui - Surf

I’ve had the pleasure of owning a Nikon d80 for the last two months and have only recently started playing around with the advanced image post-processing techniques like HDR which have interested me for so long. Unsurprisingly, HDR (High Dynamic Range) imaging is appealing to so many people because it can make images look larger than life and surreal with the colours and contrast which are shown.

A Lesson in Common Sense

Today I finished up at class and I went to the computer labs to do some printing. Every now and then, left-behinds are found on, in and around the workstations. Rarely are they as interesting as the one I found today. A 1G USB flash disk the size of half of my thumb was snuggly wedged into the usb port. I always have a peek around these things to be good and try and find the owner’s email address or some contact method.


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