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El blog de markey

Amarok reviewed on Sourcetrunk podcast

Here's a really nice review of Amarok 1.4.4. The reviewer goes into great detail and presents many of Amarok's features, including the recently added Magnatune store.

Check it out over at Sourcetrunk.

New server to replace

Good news, everyone!

Thanks to the generous donations from our last fundraiser, the Amarok project will soon move to a much better web server. As some of you have probably noticed, our current hosting (AMD Duron, 512MB RAM) is hopelessly underpowered for the growing traffic on We've had a lot of downtime over the last months, especially when the site was hammered by,, etc.

KDE Misfeature

Please look at the above screenshot. Yes, I know, it hurts. No, I did not draw this with The Gimp. This is an actual Amarok screenshot, running under KDE 3.5.5. How the hell did those ugly squares appear all over the screen, is it a virus? No, it's a KDE feature!


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