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Froscon... Kubuntu + KDE + Amarok = krusade

On Saturday Froscon, the Free and Open Source Software Conference in St. Augustin, Germany, finally starts. (head over to the website for more information)

collaboration to the core ++ OpenID

Hi Planet Ubuntu :D

My name is Harald Sitter (aka apachelogger), yesterday I finally became Kubuntu/Ubuntu member, so here I am, intorducing myself. goes OpenID

So finally I got ultimately annoyed by the fact, that I have to keep 4 logins to access the Amarok web infrastructure. ITS THE SUCK!

I finally started to OpenIDify the website(s), and since Mark pointed out that I'm the wiki guy, I started with mediawiki ;-). As Professor Farnsworth will use to say "Good news everyone!" --> it's working.


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