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Photos from Scotland

My friend Ruth IMed me today and wondered how the trip to Scotland went. Which reminded me, I haven't blogged about all the photos I posted.

I think this photo sums up the experience of Scotland:

And as far as aKademy itself is concerned:

The *real* first KHTML browser on Windows

There's been a lot of hubbub lately about Safari being released on Windows, which is based on WebKit, which is based on KHTML, and how it'll beat Konqueror as the first KHTML-based browser on Windows.

Then you hear this other camp firing back about Swift, whose homepage proudly declares "The First KHTML Browser for Windows."

Amarok Release Party Trial #1 (Update)

So, Amarok 1.4.6 is considerable near to it's final release. Reason enough to plan a release party (need some XP for 2.0 anyway).

Problem is: I'm living in Austria and I know exactly 3 (?!) other FLOSS supporters round here, which is why I don't expect a lot of people to come ^_^


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