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KDE 4 Release Event in Stuttgart

Planet KDE is filled with announcements for KDE Release Events all around the world already so I will add my little announcement as well :)

Sven, Ingo (Radio Tux) and I will be giving talks at the event at the Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart on Friday. Check the program and join us for nice talks and a great party.

Our talks:

Where Has All the Memory Gone

Gentoo and Xine dev (and part-time "Amarok Helper") Diego wrote an interesting blog about memory usage. Or, at least interesting to folks like me who somewhat regret never having had a operating systems class. He discovered that any Xine client (which includes Dragon Player or any KDE4 app that makes a sound) wastes 1.7mb of RAM thanks to libvorbisenc.

Using his cowstats script, I profiled Dragon Player:


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