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Dragon and Quassel

Haven't blogged in a bit, so I have a couple unrelated blogs.

Dragon Player 2.0.1

Dragon Player 2.0.1 was released last week. 2.0.0 had a little but very visible bug (pressing the mute button would cause the mute button to disable), but luckly my sense of paranoia of such things kept me from advertising 2.0.0 outside of Dragon Player's website. Credit goes to a few years of Amarok releases going just a bit wrong at the last minute (though this year has been good to us).

what I learned at FOSDEM

After getting back from FOSDEM and sleeping for 10 hours I am finally back in the land of the living ;-)

FOSDEM was great, I had a lot of fun and was able to connect some more IRC nicks to their real life faces.

So what did I learn this weekend?

counting the hours…

Only two days left until Phil, Sven, Sput and I take the train to Brussels for FOSDEM. The Rokers will be at FOSDEM! Right now I am counting 12. So be prepared ;-)
Come by the KDE booth and developer room to talk to some of our finest developers and Rokymoters and see all the cool new features of Amarok 2.

Oh and something very funky makes its first public appearance - don´t miss it. (But shhhh - super secret - not allowed to talk about it ;-))


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