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Le blog de Ian

KDE's Summer of Code: Promote it!

Summer of Code is back, earlier then ever. Early is good as it allows some more flexibility in the schedule (students could start on their projects as soon as mid-April, in case they aren't available later), the disadvantage is that I'm probably not the only one somewhat surprised that its starting so soon.

Dragon and Quassel

Haven't blogged in a bit, so I have a couple unrelated blogs.

Dragon Player 2.0.1

Dragon Player 2.0.1 was released last week. 2.0.0 had a little but very visible bug (pressing the mute button would cause the mute button to disable), but luckly my sense of paranoia of such things kept me from advertising 2.0.0 outside of Dragon Player's website. Credit goes to a few years of Amarok releases going just a bit wrong at the last minute (though this year has been good to us).


Olivier Bédard, our super-cool Amarok network admin, just installed a tool called Fisheye. It's basically exactly what I was asking for in the last post, it lets you easily look at all the recent commits with a nice pretty interface to look at the diffs. There's a little button to send a given commit to the Crucible, where there's a code review system. It is proprietary; they are nice enough to let open source projects use it at no cost.


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