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El blog de nightrose

counting the hours…

Only two days left until Phil, Sven, Sput and I take the train to Brussels for FOSDEM. The Rokers will be at FOSDEM! Right now I am counting 12. So be prepared ;-)
Come by the KDE booth and developer room to talk to some of our finest developers and Rokymoters and see all the cool new features of Amarok 2.

Oh and something very funky makes its first public appearance - don´t miss it. (But shhhh - super secret - not allowed to talk about it ;-))

slides for the talks in Stuttgart

Sven, Sput, Valerie, Jörg and I had a really nice day with lots of interesting talks at the Linuxday yesterday. It was nice to meet Frederik (I hereby promise to check out Parley ;-)) and others.

The slides for my talk are available now:

KDE 4 Release Event in Stuttgart

Planet KDE is filled with announcements for KDE Release Events all around the world already so I will add my little announcement as well :)

Sven, Ingo (Radio Tux) and I will be giving talks at the event at the Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart on Friday. Check the program and join us for nice talks and a great party.

Our talks:


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